
Getting hot!

It's getting hot right now. I don't mind it much unless I'm sitting in the air conditioning or theres a nice breeze blowing outside. Most days for lunch I like to sit in my truck with the windows down and read from the bible and the notes I have taken on various sermons from various pastors. I talked myself into believing that if I sit in the sauna-like air for an hour reading a half hour of scripture and sleeping the next half hour, I would be refreshed enough to make it through the rest of the day. Truth is that it actually works. I think it has a lot to do with the edification recieved from reading the word of God. Poer nap never hurt either. I also take this time to pray for those in my class who I'm trusting God will encourage and develope into strong christian leaders. Theres a lot of baggage that needs to be cleared but nothing that can hinder the work of the lord. I'm pretty much a quiet participant in this class...I don't say much because I don't feel it's my job to fight against the opinions of others. But when presented with the oportunity I speak openly about my faith. This is an area I could really use some encouragement. I'm always cautious about what to say cause I don't want to make myself out to be a hypocrit or a fool with fancy words. I have at times been able to recognize the holy spirit prompting me to say something, and those circumstances work out well, but I can't help to wonder why I have been created to be so quiet. I used to think of it as a curse, I can now see how much of a blessing it really is though. I'm so thankfull that I don't have a loose tongue or a complaint filled heart. God has been good to me on so many levels that I'm just now starting to recognize. Interesting times we live in...Thats for sure.

1 comment:

April said...

I'm so proud of you brother. Lovin' the blog. :)