It's amazing. Everywhere I go I see people. Do they see me? If so what do they see. Am I just another face? Does my very existence intimidate them? Those who seem to attempt over shadowing my presence...Are they trying to hide their fear from me or are they really sure they can give me a good stomping if it ever came to it? Those who see me and offer kindness...is it real? Do they mean to be rude but are to bored and lonely to do so? +++ Conversations seem short and lack any form of intellectual stimulation, so why bother trying. Walk me down a dark ally, I would rather meet a druggy who will attempt jumping me for their quick fixes and several dollars to buy a small amount of food to hold them over for another night. +++ Why is it that I have such a problem with people, or vise versa...why do they have such a problem with me? Good question!!! --- We all have many various thorns that are uniquely and specifically stuck in our sides. Why? Why, if we are Gods chosen few and we live our lives by faith, why then are we still held down by our weaknesses, and handicaps, blinded by our fears and ignorance. Simple, God uses imperfect people to accomplish his perfect plan. You see that thorn in your side? Is it really so painful that Gods power can't work through it? Without it would you know what other people in your current situation are going through and could you have this same heart to encourage and strengthen them? People you see every day out on the street, in the class rooms and in the work place can be affected simply by the face you present to them in the short seconds as you pass by. It's not much fun when we pass people who give us a glimpse of their unhappy day, life or encounters with others who have done them wrong. But thank God we have the wisdom to know that all these people need is a dose of our heavenly father. It's as easy as a smile or a comment of sincerity. Not everyone you meet will embrace your kindness with open arms, but who cares...you have planted a seed that may someday change that persons life. The flip side of the coin is so much worse and very common, which is why most people don't speak or wave to one another anymore. This is when instead of sharing a little light, we spend time locked away in our minds. Trying desperately to figure out what they are thinking...making up their minds for them and coming to conclusions that are almost always false and potentially damaging to them and to you. As a Christian and as a human being, I feel the necessity to discover who the person is and what their deal is before I make an assumption about them...doesn't always happen that easily but it's more beneficial. If someone is suffering and their taking it out on you, pray for them and offer Gods light to them. There's no reason to continue the anger they have spread throughout their day...Make a stand and don't let their problems be passed through you. Enjoy life and it's many trials. It's the small things God uses to prepare us for the larger task ahead...Fear not the stumbling for God is there to keep you walking forward. Lean on him and he will strengthen you, guide you and direct you. Faith is where it's at, and the reward that awaits us all, though indescribable and unimaginable, is simply amazing.
Well, brother...that was refreshing. :)
umm..and for the record...i hope you don't end up on the wrong side of that dark alley. :) But i do know what you mean. And btw...You are brighter than you imagine and a joy to be around. I see you breaking out and becoming the man of God you are meant to be. I don't believe for a second that the troubles you face now will always be your troubles. God is doing a good work in you and He is faithful to complete it. You are opening up and walking about in freedom...continue to do so and continue to grow. Love you. :)
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