Getting hot!
It's getting hot right now. I don't mind it much unless I'm sitting in the air conditioning or theres a nice breeze blowing outside. Most days for lunch I like to sit in my truck with the windows down and read from the bible and the notes I have taken on various sermons from various pastors. I talked myself into believing that if I sit in the sauna-like air for an hour reading a half hour of scripture and sleeping the next half hour, I would be refreshed enough to make it through the rest of the day. Truth is that it actually works. I think it has a lot to do with the edification recieved from reading the word of God. Poer nap never hurt either. I also take this time to pray for those in my class who I'm trusting God will encourage and develope into strong christian leaders. Theres a lot of baggage that needs to be cleared but nothing that can hinder the work of the lord. I'm pretty much a quiet participant in this class...I don't say much because I don't feel it's my job to fight against the opinions of others. But when presented with the oportunity I speak openly about my faith. This is an area I could really use some encouragement. I'm always cautious about what to say cause I don't want to make myself out to be a hypocrit or a fool with fancy words. I have at times been able to recognize the holy spirit prompting me to say something, and those circumstances work out well, but I can't help to wonder why I have been created to be so quiet. I used to think of it as a curse, I can now see how much of a blessing it really is though. I'm so thankfull that I don't have a loose tongue or a complaint filled heart. God has been good to me on so many levels that I'm just now starting to recognize. Interesting times we live in...Thats for sure.
What's God Up To?

Today started off great, I stayed up all night saturday night worshiping the Lord. I fell asleep around 4:30 in the morning and woke up at 8:15 to get ready for church. I woke up with a refreshed feeling inside...I guess you can say I was filled with the Joy of the Lord. It's amazing how much easier it was to focus my attention on the worshiping God...I admit that most times I feel distracted by thoughts or events happening around me. But I was really filled with the holy spirit and I was thankful for it. I was happy to see my friend Kailey and I'm often curious how she's been handling her life lately since we don't talk much anymore. She still holds a place in my heart and I will always keep her in my prayers. She has a gift for prayer like I've never seen in anyone before. Her passion for the lord is incredible to witness and I'm glad I'm here to be her friend. I believe God places people in our lives to teach us about ourselves. To inspire us to become things we never before even imagined. My walk with God has moved in so many directions and taken so many paths. Each one having it's own special and unique qualities that have enriched my life.
There are qualities about my father here on earth that I would much rather forget much less aquire. And in a way I think one of the reason I have trouble in reaching people on a personal level is because of a super critical attitude. I realize that's it's not hate for the person I criticize as much as it is a dislike of their mindset. I have an elderly friend named Gurdie that I go to visit on Sundays. She's has so much negativity locked inside of her and at times it seems she'd rather live under a dark cloud than in the brightness of a blue sky. I try to be encouraging but I become critical and I lose the ability to smile or offer the encouragement I started with. God is teaching me through her how to deal with fustrating people in fustrating circumstances. It really depends a lot on faith...I've gone through the process of trying to change her and how she views life, and God in turn has shown me the beauty of the life I live. People I deal with on a daily basis complain about everything that's put before them. How can I possibly do the same when my heavenly father has given me so much to be thankful for. I tell myself that within every upset there's something to be learned, a light to be turned on and a life to be influenced. People still need to hear the gospel and I have been given a heart by God for such a task. He's molding me and shaping me continuously, Teaching me how to do it right. May take a while but patients is an ok thing to have.
No matter what tomorrow brings may we have the grace and the faith to make it through. God you are our number one. We place you before the people and circumstances of our lives as we live it. Lord you are the teacher before these soldiers, students, furture leaders of a world filled with sin. You are a friend to these people I stand with and I am merely a carrierer of your word, your holy spirit. Make this little light of mine burn bright for the glory of heaven and the benefit of those around me today, tommorrow and forever. Thankyou for the word of life you have breathed within me. Thankyou Jesus, Thankyou.
What is God up to?

Today is my first entry into the world of Blog. I decided to title my Blog, "What is God up to". I did this for the simple fact that God is in control of everything I do and anything I write on here will deal directly with his influence on my life. I've learned so much about my personal relationship with God up to this point. So as time evolves through the story of my life, I will devulge facts about the many things God has done for me and what I have learned from it all. It takes time to get to know someone and even when you think you know them best theres a whole bunch more yet to learn. It is a prayer of mine that anyone who reads the words that are to be written on this Blog would find encouragement and insight to help them through a ruff spot. Enjoy and hold on tight, who knows what will be around the next turn.
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