I am so thankfull, so very thankfull for everything that God has been doing in my life and continues to do each and every day. Every now and then I get to take a glimps into a life that I could be living if I didn't depend on the strength God has been giving me. When the work load is too great, problems add up and become too many...Worry and anxiety seem to always be there welcoming me into the presence of fear and doubt. I've learned to steer clear of their enticements though by keeping several principles in mind. One being that where Gods light is there is no darkness...and he who leans not on his own understanding, but in all he does trusts God, walks within the light. Second being a metaphore I heard from a pastor on the Radio...The world is very inconsistant when it comes to staying within the light of the sun. It turns away from the sun turns back to the sun and it turns away from the sun and back again to the sun on and on this process continues. When we live our lives like this we find that something happens to us spiritually, emotionally and mentally. First of all when someone who is born again walks within the light of the lord, their walk is strengthened. They feel more confident and at peace with where they are at. When they turn away from the light and start walking in darkness(meaning: putting God as number two) They discover a very obvious but not so obvious signal that lets them know they are going the wrong way. This signal is worry, fear, doubt, and anxiety. The things that cause us to Opt for the least challenging decisions we are often faced with. It takes Faith! It takes faith to over come all of this. When we excersize faith we put all that crap aside and walk with a purpose...taking on the challenges of life with a more powerfull stride. It's almost like walking through a forrest full of trees, during pitch black darkness, knowing that somewhere out there is a cliff a mile high. This is when scriptures come to mind and you remember...Gods word is a lamp unto my feet...His holy spirit was sent to lead you through the toughest of times and if you don't take those steps through the muck and mire you will never discover the limits of your current faith...Guess what when you take that walk and discover where your faith potentailly ends, you discover you have more to discover...after a while you'll discover that Faith in God is literally limitless and it only gets stronger and stronger the further you walk down the broken path, fearless of stumbling because Gods word said that he put his angels charge over you, keepig you from stumbling. Takes faith! Currently I am faced with many decisions...One being the purchase of my very first home. Biggest decision of my life and at times I feel like I don't know enough about my current situation in order to do this. But I know that I have a God who planned this day before I was even called to be upon this earth. He has a plan and I trust that all this will work out. No matter what happens my eyes are upon heaven and my heart remains thankfull. Another big event taking place is entry into a new life totally different than I am used to. I'm looking forward to the experience of learning different concepts...Teaching people who are so far from a life that I have lived since I was a child, a people who have been at war physically and spiritually since their birth...I am most excited to see what God is doing in the lives of people across the Globe and discovering how he will use me to impact the lives before me each and every day. It takes faith and faith is something worth fighting for. So...When everything gets too over whelming, turn back toward the light of the son, the son of God and place the crap in his hands. He is much better at dealing with it.